Colorado Springs, CO
Richard Fierro is selected for his singular act of heroism on November 19, 2022, when he charged through a chaotic crowd at a nightclub in Colorado Springs to stop an active shooter and strip him of his weapons, saving countless lives. Fierro’s courage reflects great credit upon himself, his family, and the state of Colorado.
Collingdale, PA
Anthony Alexander, Jr. is selected as a Young Hero honoree for his act of heroism on February 21, 2022, when he came to the immediate aid of three young children in imminent danger of drowning in a pond. Alexander pulled the first child to safety with a branch and then swam out to grab another child, pulling her to the side of the pond and safely out of the water. He then entered the water again to rescue the third child.
St. Louis MO
Jean Kuczka is selected for her singular act of heroism on October 24, 2022, when she stood in front of her students at Central Visual and Performing Arts High School as a shooter entered her classroom. Kuczka placed herself between her students and danger, in order to save innocent lives. Kuczka’s courage reflects great credit upon herself, her family, and the state of Missouri.
Citizen Honors
Copyright / David Clark Cause, Inc.